Halo Laser Treatment: Are Results Really Worth The Cost?

If you're considering Halo laser treatment, you're probably wondering if it's right for you. We'll cover the kind of results to expect, and the pros and cons of this popular treatment.

Laser treatments have been growing in popularity in recent years as more and more people want to achieve beautiful, flawless skin. 

One of the most popular laser treatments available is Halo laser treatment. This treatment is highly effective in improving the appearance of the skin, but there are still some questions about it that remain unanswered. 

We will discuss everything you need to know about Halo laser treatment: how it works, its effectiveness, before and after results, as well as side effects. By the end of this article, you’ll clearly understand whether Halo laser is right for you.

How does a Halo laser work?

Halo is a hybrid laser rejuvenation treatment that uses dual-wavelength energy to create smooth, radiant skin.

Halo lasers are suitable for treating the following conditions:

  • For fine lines and wrinkles

The Halo laser works on specific wavelengths. They help in the formation of new collagen and elastin which ultimately reduces fine lines and wrinkles, as well as freshening up the skin and combating various aging conditions.

  • For age spots and sunspots

The Halo laser is one of the most frequently used technologies for removing age spots and sunspots. Its wavelength is capable of targeting melanin without affecting the surrounding skin cells.

  • For acne scars and uneven pigmentation

The Halo laser can be used for various types of scarring on the skin including acne scars and uneven pigmentation. This treatment is extremely effective because it stimulates collagen production in these areas which ultimately helps reduce the appearance of scarring.

If you have frequent breakouts, excessive dryness, and hyperpigmentation, we have the solution. Сheck out the best ways to get rid of textured skin in our article.

The device includes two types of waves: ablative and non-ablative.

The first wavelength (ablative laser with 2940 nm) targets the epidermis, which exfoliates areas, thereby reducing pigmentation and making the skin smoother.

Another wavelength (non-ablative laser with 1470 nm) penetrates deep into the skin layer, stimulating collagen regeneration. It contributes to the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

Halo also offers the flexibility to completely turn off ablation for users looking for simpler laser treatments.

Device wave coverage
Device wave coverage

In addition to the hybrid technology that makes Halo so unique, there are many features to help create it the safest and most convenient.

❄ Integrated cooling

The handpiece provides cold air to the treatment area, so the discomfort that patients feel when their skin heats up is minimized.

✅ Automatic laser power adjustment technology

This technology allows you to adjust the output power level of both laser pulses, depending on the patient’s skin type and treatment preferences. This makes Halo one of the most accurate and safest devices on the market.

🎯 Optical navigation

The optical navigation system fixes the movement of the handle to track the speed with the utmost accuracy. It also improves treatment safety and ensures consistent treatment from start to finish.

Halo is suitable for all skin types of the face and body. In addition to the face, this device can be used on the neck, decollete, arms, and legs.

Halo laser treatment review

If you don’t have time to visit a clinic for skin rejuvenation procedures — check out handheld at-home devices that will surprise you with the result.

The science behind Halo laser treatment

Halo can be described as a laser rejuvenation treatment that uses a specific type of laser light to regenerate collagen. Halo laser treatment shows promising results for sun-damaged skin and anti-aging treatment.

Below are the clinical studies which help in the understanding of the science behind this rejuvenation method.

A study [1] was involving 20 participants. Half of the face was treated with a laser device with a wavelength of 1064 nm, the second half of the face was the control. In total, 3 procedures were performed with an interval of a month. Four weeks after the last treatment sessions, the average degree of wrinkles on the treated side was reduced by 45.1%. The elasticity of the skin has improved significantly. Pain on the treated side was mild and did not require anesthesia.

The following study [2] included 23 patients with moderate facial wrinkles. They were treated with a non-ablative laser system (900 nm) 3 times at intervals of 2 to 3 weeks. As a result, patients noted an improvement in the appearance of wrinkles by more than 50%. All participants reported a noticeable improvement in skin smoothness and texture.

Halo laser treatment review
The result of using laser treatment to reduce wrinkles

The next study [3] compares the use of single-wavelength and multi-wavelength lasers to improve the skin of the face and neck. 

19 patients with mild to moderate photoaging of the face and neck were randomly divided into two groups. The first group used a 1440 nm laser and the second one — a 1320/1440 nm multiplex laser. As a result, all participants experienced an improvement in the texture and overall appearance of their skin. However, patients treated with the multiplex laser reported greater skin tightening than the group treated with the 1440 nm laser alone

Another study [4] examines the effectiveness of an ablative laser in improving skin texture and reducing wrinkles.

10 patients with noticeable age-related changes in the neck were selected for laser treatment. The number of treatments needed to improve the skin ranged from 1 to 3. Treatment sessions were performed at intervals of 6-8 weeks. As a result, the following improvements were noted: skin texture by 62.9%; flabbiness by 57.0% and wrinkles by 51.4%.

Research results
Research results

Before and after results

Halo laser treatment is one of the latest advancements in dermatology. It provides a safe and effective way of treating anti-aging skin problems such as fine lines, wrinkles, skin texture, and laxity.

Below, you can see the results of the Halo laser treatment.

The result of Halo laser treatment after two procedures
The result of Halo laser treatment after two procedures

The result of Halo laser treatment after one procedure
The result of Halo laser treatment after one procedure

The result of Halo laser treatment after one procedure
The result of Halo laser treatment after one procedure

The result of Halo laser treatment after two procedures
The result of Halo laser treatment after two procedures

The result of Halo laser treatment after one procedure
The result of Halo laser treatment after one procedure

The result of Halo laser treatment after one procedure
The result of Halo laser treatment after one procedure

What are the pros and cons of a Halo laser?

The Halo laser is one of the most advanced technologies in the world today for treating various anti-aging conditions. However, it is important to understand the benefits and drawbacks before you decide to have the Halo laser treatment.


  • Halo can treat fine lines and wrinkles in the face, neck, and hands effectively because stimulates collagen production at a deeper level than other lasers.
  • The effect of both non-ablative and ablative lasers in just one procedure helps to improve both the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin.
  • Short downtime. You will have some redness and swelling for a few days. In most cases, users return to their normal activities after one day.
  • The first results are noticeable after a week, which is a very high indicator.
  • Long-term results can last for years (with good skincare and sun protection).
  • Halo is highly customizable, making it one of the safest laser treatments for all skin types.


  • Patients experience some skin tingling, which can cause discomfort. However, this disappears within a few hours after the procedure.
  • The procedure is quite expensive. The cost of halo laser treatment may vary depending on the area being treated and the number of sessions. The price range is $600 – $2,500 per treatment.
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What are the risks and potential side effects of Halo laser?

Like all laser treatments, Halo carries risks of side effects. In most cases, these are small and temporary. 

The risks and side effects of Halo laser treatment include:

  • Burns in sensitive areas of the skin such as around the eyes;
  • Injury to the surface skin or deeper tissues;
  • Changes in the color of treated skin;
  • Temporary scab formation at the treatment site after healing.

However, with all precautions taken, the probability of these side effects is negligible.

📌 The best thing you can do for yourself before a Halo laser procedure is to carefully consult with your plastic surgeon or dermatologist, who discusses your specific skin needs with you and create a personalized treatment plan.

Halo laser treatment review


Halo laser treatment is one of the latest advancements in dermatology. It provides a safe and effective way of treating anti-aging and skin conditions, like sunspots and pigmentation. It uses a beam of intense light to promote collagen production in the skin, which makes it look younger and firmer.

Halo laser treatment is much better than other treatments in many ways. It is easy to use, doesn’t take too long, and has little discomfort or side effects. 

Halo laser treatment can be done on people of all age groups, but you should always talk to your dermatologist before getting this procedure done to determine if it suits your skin type and condition.


🧐 What is halo laser treatment?

Halo is a hybrid laser resurfacing treatment that is starting to gain popularity in the US. It is ideal for patients with skin discolorations such as brown spots and sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes or mouth, enlarged pores, and those looking to improve texture irregularities without significant downtime.

📌 How is Halo different from other laser treatments?

Halo uses a combination of both ablative and non-ablative lasers to offer the extended benefits of laser resurfacing in one treatment with little downtime.

🔍 How many Halo laser treatments are required?

Most patients only need one or two Halo laser resurfacing treatments to achieve their desired results.

⏳ How long does the Halo laser treatment last?

The Halo laser resurfacing treatment itself takes less than one hour to complete.

🤔 How long does it take to recover from Halo laser treatment?

Most patients report a low level of downtime associated with Halo laser treatments. Immediately following treatment there may be some redness and tightness which should resolve over 24 hours.

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